February 26, 2017


Still haunted by the Black Ghost...

If your like me, you've got that "one fish" that never leaves your mind. The one that captured your heart at some point and simply never got out of your system.

Mine was the "Black Ghost Knifefish", Apteronotus albifrons. I'm not sure what it was that first attracted to me to this fish. The odd name, the amazing "look", or, after I had seen them in real life- their interesting behavior and yes- personalities! I remember seeing a pic in "Exotic Tropical Fishes" that had a "head shot" of the fish, and it had this oddly comical, yet altogether weird look- you know, all black...even the eyes...and it's mouth gave it a sort of friendly look. And of course, the references to the endemic people of the region believing that the souls of their departed ancestors resided in the fish and I couldn't let this one go. 

And since I have't kept one in years, I thought that I'd take a quick look on what the fish REALLY needs and how best to keep it based on my accumulated experience and research. There must be a FEW things we had wrong about the fish, huh?

The only "down side" I ever though about with this fish is that it has the potential to hit put to 18" (45cm) or more in length, necessitating a large aquarium if you're wanting to accommodate the fish for anything approaching a natural life span (decades!). Like a 5-6 foot long tank is appropriate.

Now, this little piece is not going to be the usual "Keeping the _______ in the Aquarium" stuff. I simply can't write a good, solid article like that without all of the weird inferences and such that I like to make. Rather, let's quickly examine my beloved fish on the basis of what we know about it from science that can help us keep it happy in our aquariums! 

As we all probably know by now, Black Ghosts are known to be weekly electric fishes, using their capabilities for navigation, location and identification of  potential prey. This has been extensively studied by scientists. Like, really extensively...As a fish geek searching for information on the ecology of the fish, I was met with dozens of "way-over-my-head" style scientific papers on the fish's electrolocation capabilities. You know, the kinds of articles filled with exotic graphs and formulas, and nothing that tells you what kinds of water conditions the fish comes from? Yeah. That kind. Had to really dig for that stuff.

Although they are nocturnal predators, they're hardly what we'd call "aggressive" fish; instead, being rather shy and retiring! In fact, descriptors such as "peaceful" and "friendly" have been used over the years to (accurately, IME) describe the fish's temperament! This is, I think, a bit contrary to what most of us would immediately assume about such a fish, right? The popular perception for a fish like this is usually:  "It's big, it's menacing- it's a Tetra killer and hell-raiser for sure!"

Even the swimming behavior of this fish is a bit cool. And well-studied, of course...From a paper by M.J. and S.J. Lannoo, 1993 entitled, "Why do electric fishes swim backwards? An hypothesis based on gymnotiform foraging behavior interpreted through sensory constraints." you find this gem:  "The fish swims backwards (reverse swimming) which is characteristic of two foraging behaviors: searching for prey and assessing it. In assessing a potential prey item, it typically scan the prey from tail to head by swimming backwards, then ingest it after a short forward lunge. A scan in the opposite direction - from head to tail by forward swimming - would have the prey located near the tail and out of position for the final lunge."

Yeah, that about covers it.

Gut content analysis of a number of wild collected specimens from Paraguay and Peru indicated that the bulk of it's diet consisted of worms (annelids) and insect larvae, so yeah, that explains why they seem to love "black worms" and "blood worms" in the aquarium. Can they prey on small fishes? Sure- they have a pretty good sized mouth and a sophisticated electromagnetic navigation system, so yeah, they can locate potential prey items easily at night when they hunt...However, in no instance in any of the papers which I reviewed on wild-collected specimens of this fish did gut-content analysis of both juvenile and adult specimens reveal  anything other than worms and insect larvae! Would I trust them with my "Green Neon Tetra" shoal in my aquarium? Umm, not likely, but I think they'd have a more difficult time with the more laterally compressed, vertically oriented characins, like Hyphessobrycon species and such! And, in general,  if you keep them stuffed with worms, the likelihood of "Phee-Phee", your beloved Pencilfish, disappearing one night goes down dramatically, in my experience!

Now, because they come from Amazonia, the first thing that comes into mind is sluggish, acidic blackwater streams ('cause, like, that's everything in The Amazon region, right? NO SCOTT!) The reality is that most specimens are found in the wild in rapidly flowing waters of streams with a sandy bottom. And as we know from many of our past pieces on the substrates in this region, a lot of those sands are chemically neutral. However, much to my happiness, usually, lots of botanical debris and wood are found in these habitats.

So, if one were to recreate the habitats where these fishes are commonly found, it would be an aquarium environment with good water movement, a pH range from 6.0-8.0 (hello, that's all over the freakin' map, right?), and water temps typically around 77-82 degrees Fahrenheit (25-27 C).  The tank would be at least 6 feet long, with nice white sand and a ton of branchy wood, lots of hefty botanicals, and probably some vertically oriented plant growth (like Amazon Swords or something equally as generic) Since blackwater is definitely a part of the fish's natural habitat, I'd be inclined to let it tint a bit, with some large leaves and other botanicals. And, of course, good water movement, probably provided by directed returns or external pumps like EcoTech Marine VorTech powerheads. 

Tank mates would be larger characins, like Headstanders, and maybe a big shoal of fishes like Emperor Tetras or other laterally compressed, non-bite-sized Tetras. Oh, and a few smaller cichlids.  Simple, easy, and "semi-cliched." But hey, the star of the show, the Black Ghost, is what this is all about, right?

And I'd feed a ton of blackworms and bloodworms. I'd have fat fishes in there.

Yeah, that's all Ive got this morning. Nothing earth-shattering. Just thinking of the Black Ghost.


So the takeaway here?  Is there one? There is a lot of good information out there if you dig for it, and you don't need to accept what everyone says about a fish as the absolute last word on it.

Oh, and the fact that we gave it sort of "generic" aquarium conditions all of these years, and that those were surprisingly appropriate conditions for the fish based on its natural habitats does not make me bitter at all....I think it was just luck, lol.

Yeah. Right. 

Stay engaged. Stay relentless. Stay excited.

And Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 


February 25, 2017



I love the fact that many of you are trying so many new things with your aquariums. I love that things are changing quickly; that the ideas we have been talking about are evolving and finding excited new followers!

We're in an amazing time right now. For the first time in years, I personally feel that the idea of blackwater aquariums has moved out of it's obscure, "fringe-culture-like" parking spot in the fish world, and into the light of the mainstream. 

And it's all because of YOU! Sure, many of you were playing with blackwater tanks before, but if your experience was anything like mine, you were sort of viewed as a mildly eccentric hobbyist playing with a little "side thing"- a passing fancy that you'd eventually "get over.." 

Well, I think that is changing a lot now. We're seeing a community of what was once widely scattered hobbyists starting to come together and share ideas, technique, pictures, inspiration with other equally as obsessed hobbyists. This is an amazing thing to me, and to be able to witness it firsthand is incredible! It's been a renaissance of sorts for this once-neglected aspect of the hobby.

One of the things I'm enjoying most is the experimentation that many of you are doing with more natural substrates. I know we've covered this a lot in several editions of "The Tint", but it's very interesting to see your experimental work. I think that we are starting to understand as hobbyists how the substrate affects the water chemistry, thanks in large part to our planted aquarium friends- but we're sort of applying this further in our work with botanical-style, blackwater aquariums. I think this is an area where much research can still be done. With more understanding of habitats like the inundated forest areas of Brazil, we're getting a feel for how these habitats are influenced by the material on the forest floor.

Another think that I think is interesting is that we, as a community, are viewing our aquariums as "habitats" more than ever before. We  seem to have broken through the mindset of creating aquariums only based on an aesthetic WE like, and fitting the fishes into it, as opposed to creating aquariums with specialized habitats for specific fishes.

I mean, this has been done for a long time by hobbyists, and it's not truly a by-product of the "blackwater explosion", yet it seems like we're seeing more and more systems that are geared towards creating an environment for one or two species of fishes, as opposed the more "community-oriented", generically-aquascaped types of setups. I think it's a reflection on the desire to learn more about the natural habitats of fishes- perhaps with the added bit of confidence that we have access to some materials that are a good representation of what our fishes would encounter in the wild.

What I'd like to continue to see is an attitude of adventure in our community. I'd love to see hobbyists take a fresh look at how the aquatic habitats that we are interested in replicating really look. Understanding that it's not all crystal clear, pristine green plants on white sand. Seeing the agape forest pics really inspired me to push this point more. Our fishes come from habitats that are radically different in appearance than we seem to interpret them as in the aquarium world. I understand that not everyone likes the "botanical debris field" that we find so alluring, but for those who would but make the "mental shift" and understand that the truly natural aesthetics ARE amazing and intricate, and every bit as alluring as a meticulously precision-planted aquarium.

Now, a lot of you are wondering what we have in store with "estuary", and I'll give you a little insight into what to expect. 

Like the blackwater aquarium world, there has been a certain degree of "neglect", if you will, of a fascinating, educational, and aesthetically unique type of aquarium system. Sure, people have played with brackish tanks before. They've even incorporated some aspects of natural habitats, like mangroves and sand and such. However, it was not...evolved, IMHO. We did not see the emphasis on a habitat. Understanding, once again, that many brackish biotopes are not crystal clear white sand and wood or plant is an important part of the concept here. Mangrove estuaries are among the most productive and intricate aquatic habitats in nature. They are based on the interaction of land and water, the confluence of fresh and salt water, and the unique substrates and botanical influences that occur in these regions. They are often different in appearance than the popular perception among hobbyists have. You'll see.

Our goal in launching "estuary" is to facilitate more understanding of these fantastic habitats, and to enable us as aquarists to create more functional, complex, and aesthetically different brackish water aquariums than we've done in the past. We'll push a few ideas that maybe you haven't considered before. Or, perhaps you have, but weren't sure about how to proceed. We're going to be bold, experimental, and preach a mindset, like we do in the blackwater world, that encourages us to release the "mental chains" that have dictated why things are the way they are in brackish. Some ideas may not be easy to embrace. Some may not work for you. Some will be amazing. We're going to examine technique, aesthetic, and function as a package, and we'll begin offering a selection items that will help you embrace this "evolved" brackish concept.

Look for the icon.

Yeah, should be a fun ride! 

And the skills, ideas, and spirit of adventure that you've cultivated in your blackwater journey will serve you well if you venture into the brackish world, too!

Accept change. Embrace it.

Stay with us. Stay excited. Stay bold. Stay creative.

And Stay Wet.


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 



February 24, 2017


Tiny tanks- big ideas?

I have a problem.

I think my problem is that I have too many ideas floating around in my head, and not enough time or space to execute on all of them.

I think a lot of hobbyists suffer from this issue. And yeah, "suffer" is the world, because when you want to try something out and just can't, it sucks! You see all of these cool images of natural habitats and think to yourself, "I HAVE to try that! I need another tank!"

One of the cool things about my love of smaller fishes is that I can play with my ideas in small tanks. Now, mind you, coming off of decades as a practicing reef hobbyist, "small" to me has always meant "under 40 gallons,", so like a 20 gallon aquarium is practically a "nano" to me! 

And that's nice, actually, because 20 gallon tanks are like the perfect size for experimenting with...stuff!

It would be nice if I had a basement to convert into a big old fish room, but, like...zero percent of homes in Los Angeles have basements...So we have to get creative- converting bedrooms, spare rooms, allocating an aquarium here and there in the living room, guest bedroom, etc., etc. 

And because we operate this way, the tanks always have to look good. And that's hard on a fish geek, right? Especially if you're the "utilitarian" type. Yeah, no bubbling sponge-filtered, bare-bottom breeding tanks with a clump of Java Moss in the living room. No DIY corner filters...No warehouse-grade hanging T5 lighting fixtures...None of the cool stuff that we love so much. Nope. It all has to look "presentable." Like, non-fish-keeping/spouse/sibling/roomate/partner "presentable." Pressure, right?

And if you want to execute on a lot of ideas, that typically means you need to go with smaller tanks, as they're scattered throughout the house. (Unless, of course, you can have lots of large tanks scattered throughout the house- in which case you are one of the very lucky ones!)

So, I dare say that it's okay to go against the conventional wisdom about going with the largest tank you can get. If you're a hardcore "tinter" like me, you're no doubt scheming all sorts of ideas, all sorts of unique experiments. And yeah, it would be killer to have 3 120-gallon tanks set up to replicate different blackwater habitats and such, but I think it  makes a lot more sense to try like 3-4 smaller tanks (like 20-40 US gal/75-152 l) and maybe one or two larger displays (50-100 gals/ 189-379 l), right?

As a progressive, experimental fish geek with lots of ideas, you need numbers! You need as many "test beds" as you can accommodate, huh? 

The nice thing about small tanks is that, if you are talented- like most of you are- you can do some truly special things with them! And if you're a guy like George Farmer, a small tank is just another blank canvass on which to compose greatness.

It's about how we look at things, I think.

When I started playing with nano systems, I decided from the outset that each nano would have to stand up on its own as an example of good aesthetics. No dangling powerheads or heaters, mix-and-match tank components, etc. for me. If these little things are going to be in my living room, they are going to have to look nice. And, unfortunately, for me- occasionally translates into "pricy." Why is that? 

Now, you don't HAVE to spend tons of money on a nano tank- and I discourage you from feeling obligated to do so- but it amazes me what you can end up with when you start out with quality, even on these tiny tanks.

If done responsibly, a nano system can be every bit as sexy and interesting as that 400 gallon behemoth you're drooling over-and still allow you to meet the monthly mortgage payment. And you won't have to worry about weather patterns forming in your living room from the moisture of a huge tank! But most important of all- nanos allow us as hobbyists to more easily push the state of the art. They are way more than "the goldfish bowl of the 21st century!"

So, use your nano tank for good: Test an idea that's popped into your head. See if you like it. See if it is even workable. Practice working in the tank. Study flow, evaporation, concealing plumbing, etc. You'll definitely learn things and hone skills that you will incorporate daily with your larger systems. Keeping a nano can and will demand more from you than you think, and it will make you a better, more well-rounded hobbyist!

Now, I realize other factors come into play when we think about limiting the number and size of tanks we have- like economics, electrical consumption, weight (in apartments), and again- that aforementioned "significant other factor."

However, I remember coming up with all sorts of creative "hacks" to establish more tanks in my childhood. Like, adding small containers inside my aquarium stands! I'd be able to accommodate a bunch of 4-6 liter plastic containers that I'd keep in the shelves underneath my display tanks. It was the coolest way to have multiple tanks in a bedroom as a 15-year-old without losing "mom approval" along the way!  It was a bit of a challenge to heat and filter them ("filter" typically meant "air stone and lots of water changes"), but I made it work. I remember using those under-tank reptile heater pads to heat the little tanks on the shelves...they worked great! Of course, when I was keeping killifish, I didn't need to worry at all about heating tanks, which was one less issue to contend with!

Those plastic containers serve many a hobbyist very well...

So, fast-forward to the present...

How many of you need to contend with some of those "limitations" that we touched on here? How do you overcome your "multiple tank syndrome" without destroying your home, budget, and domestic tranquility?

A good conversation starter for a weekend, I think!

Stay creative. Stay inventive. Stay resourceful...

And Stay Wet!


Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics



February 23, 2017


Opening the inbox...

Today we'll be a bit different in The Tint. We receive a lot of correspondence from hobbyists all over the world, asking some good questions, sharing points, sometimes even schooling us on stuff! And ocasionally, a really great compliment or two! And yes, some harsher criticisms. That's okay, it comes with the territory.  We'll share a few messages and responses today that might give you a bit of insight on how we roll here at Tannin. Damn, I thought this would be easier than writing a blog...Yeah, not so much. Regardless, how you enjoy todays "Tint." 

We'll be honest and frank (and in my case, undoubtedly long-winded, too!) There is no holding back when we "Open the inbox..."


"Scott, I used to read all of your stuff on the reef keeping sites. It's crazy that you made the jump to freshwater. What's it like going from a really well-known reef "celebrity" to a whole new audience? Does anyone know you there? Why did you give the reef thing up?"  -Darryl F., Nashua, NH

Well, that's an interesting question to start off with!

First off, who cares, right? But hey, why not answer this one? If nothing else, it gives you some depth on who I am and how Tannin functions.

For about 10 years, I was sort of a well-known reefing name. I was all over the place, literally. I co-owned one of the most respected coral vendors/propagators in the U.S. I was a keynote speaker at numerous reef-related hobby conferences, club meetings, and a featured presenter at the "Big Show"- the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA). It was sort of the closest thing the fish-geek world offers to the  "rock and roll lifestyle"- cool travel, fans, gift baskets(!), VIP store tours- you name it.   A lot of fun, and an opportunity to meet some great people along the way.

Breaking back into the freshwater side after decades of "living large" in the reef keeping world was something I went into with my eyes wide open. I know that my "celebrity status" in the reef world didn't mean squat here in the FW side. And I really didn't care. The credibility would have to be earned. And it would be earned in the same way I did it in the reef world: By doing stuff. Putting in the work. Sharing experiences, building a company that reflects my values and passions. Writing a blog to share. Every single day. I remember the first posts of "The Tint", when we'd be lucky to have 30 people a day on our website, let alone, reading what I would ramble on about.

I didn't care, because I loved this stuff with all of my heart. And when you write, build, and share from an honest place, you win people over. You inspire. And if you're lucky, you earn some followers. And if you're really lucky, you earn their respect. And if you're really, really lucky- you earn their business and loaylty as well. And I'm proud to say that we've done all of those things! A lot of you say I'm your morning coffee (okay, afternoon or evening for our European fans), and that you look forward to reading my ramblings. What an honor and a privelage!!  Oh, and the  speaking gigs? Yeah, the freshwater ones are starting to line up...Most of you still don't know who the hell I am...which is so freaking cool! Can't wait to meet you! 


"Hey Scott! Great business! Sometimes, I notice you will substitute a leaf or botanical in your packs? Why do you do that? Is it because you don't have something? It's no problem- just curious. Tint on!" - Mark S., Bowling Green, KY

Oh, good question, Mark! Thanks for the kind words, first of all! It IS a lot of fun! Now, we really, really give it our best effort to include exactly what the "recipe calls for" in every variety pack- that's why you order them, after all. However, sometimes we are forced to make a substitution in a leaf or botanical for a variety of reasons. First, we deal with suppliers all over the world, and sometimes, stuff happens to "disrupt" the global supply chain we've created here!

Occasionally, there will be an issue with the supplier getting his/her export paperwork ready in the country of origin which delays the departure. Other times, there could be weather-related issues in the tropical countries from which we receive our botanicals. Occasionally, there will be shipping issues with the postal or express services that are used to get stuff to us. And of course, some botanicals are seasonal, and are not in an abundance at certain times of the year, meaning that our suppliers can't get them for us. We try to plan ahead and order a lot when "the getting is good", but judging supply and demand is sometimes tricky (well, it was when we first started! Not as difficult now).

Regardless, stuff happens. And our policy when we HAVE to substitute something in the packs is to include something that is of equal or greater value, and something relevant to the collection. This most often happens with leaves. Sometimes, we simply run out of them because of (typically) poor planning on our part. We'll wait too long to re-order something, and of course, it's the one time of the year when the monsoons are happening in India, or when there is a month long holiday in Southeast Asia, and the re-supply can take weeks longer than we expect. This most recently happened with Guava leaves, and we're still waiting for that shipment! All in all, we do our best to get you exactly what we're supposed to. If we have to substitute an "a la carte" item, we will always contact you with options. And if you were truly not happy with the substitutions we made in a variety pack, just contact us and we'll make it up next time!


"Scott, you're service is really good! Man, I LOVED my Enigma Pack! Better than I could have imagined! You nailed the selection and my Plecos are buzzing around like it's Christmas! And it was fun to unwrap the package! Also, it seems like you're always online! Do you have regular hours or something to contact you? Keep up the good work!" - Erin C., Charlotte, NC

Well, another great one! Thanks again for the "props", Erin! Your happiness with what we do really means everything to me. As a fellow fish geek and consumer, I understand how the little things matter- like caring about what we send. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that we literally select every botanical by hand. It's time-consuming and often not the most efficient way to put things together, but it's what we're all about. It's part of the process; the experience. Taking the time to put some thought into the "Enigma Packs"- and all of our stuff, actually- is super important and a lot of fun for us and for you. It helps when you give us good information about what the pack is for, and we can really tailor our selection accordingly.

We love the whole experience of opening stuff, which is why we package the way we do. When I started Tannin, I wanted to make the experience a lot of fun. When I was a kid and would order fish stuff (mail order, lol- dating myself here), I could hardly sleep the night before the package would arrive, and I never forgot how exciting that was. SO why not spend an extra few minutes and make it an "event", right? I think we ALL relate to that, judging by the number of cool "opening" videos we receive! Glad you enjoy!

As far as me being online a lot; well, we try to keep an active presence on Facebook, Instagram, to a lesser extent, Twitter, and on our website chat feature. It's part of the day for us. We can't always get back to everyone quickly, and do miss some on chat- it's an unfortunate byproduct of being busy- not been gable to get right back to everyone who contacts us. We try to get back to you within a few hours whenever possible. I start my day really early- often around 5:00AM here in L.A., so I can write and catch up with our customers on the East Coast or in Europe before heading into the office. Coffee is important! Regardless, I can't always get back right away, so my apologies if your message isn't immediately answered. We'll keep trying!


"Scott, although some people think what you're doing with Tannin is kind of cool, I think you are a bit arrogant in assuming that everyone else who exists in the aquascaping world is a 'drone' and follows someone else's rules. There are many people who are way more talented than you who create awesome tanks, and just because they don't like blackwater and decaying stuff in their 'scapes doesn't mean they aren't respecting nature. You need to get your head out of your --- sometimes and grow up. You aren't the only game in town, and I've seen better than the tanks you guys hold in such high esteem. Get off of your thrown once in a while and give it up for the real 'scapers."  - Elderberry424

Well, first of "Elderberry424"- would have been nice if I knew your real name, but that could be asking too much. I am not sitting on my "thrown"- a "throne", perhaps. But not a "thrown."  Alright, I'm being snarky. I do appreciate your opinion, and believe it or not, I DO respect it.  However, I will tell you up front, I will never hold back my opinions. Otherwise, it's just a big lie.  My skin is incredibly thick. Im a reefer. However, the fact of the matter is that the world of aquascaping has been "dominated" by some very narrow-minded thinking and a healthy dose of attitude for a long time, to it's own detriment, IMHO. (notice, by the way, that all of my criticisms are always "in my humble opinion"?) And the amount of negative criticism we receive here at times- not for an "attitude" that we have, but simply because we are talking about a different approach to aquascaping and looking at tanks- is almost laughable! It's almost like they are cult-like and afraid. It's YOUR buddies that have the attitude, pal. Not a lot of them, but apparently a very vocal few people who don't like the fact that what we talk about here at Tannin is contrary to the technique and style coveted by your crowd. (And I NEVER called any of you guys drones- but if you want to claim the title for yourself and people with your attitude, well..)

Look, Not everyone wants a floating cloud city or underwater waterfall in their tank, and not everyone thinks that those diorama type tanks are the ultimate in 'scaping, just like not everyone wants a tinted tank with decaying leaves. Those fantasy-scales? They require enormous talent to execute- I have respect for those who build them and could never approach what they do. However, I can't help but imagine what they could do with their skills if they would apply them to a more natural-looking, botanical-style blackwater  aquarium! And yeah, I get it- not everyone likes our world of biofilms, blackwater, and decomposing leaves. And that's okay. I don't target them. They don't play in my world.  Oh, and apparently we're not the only game in town for this stuff, so perhaps you should go to one of the many other online vendors who specialize in the blackwater, botanical-style aquarium genre and write a daily, free, non-sales-pitch-oriented hobby blog. There must be dozens. Hundreds. I mean, a quick Google search shows...oh, what a minute... Well, anyways.

And while a select few of you guys fearfully attack our philosophy, a number of the biggest names in the aquascaping world have embraced our products and ideas to create amazing aquariums of their own. They understand the value in stretching their skills and trying new ideas, or executing with different materials. Please, please, please don't be afraid.  Stop being a blind hater. Just try a tank like this. Do it for yourself. You MAY hate it. But don't hate ON it because you don't understand it- or don't read our blogs explaining the ideas, or hate on the many, many posts from happy members of our community who do amazing work. Hate it because it doesn't work for you. You will never see a member of our community- well- you won't see me- trash-talking your work. Criticizing, yes. Absolutely. But I back it up with a reason why- and it's not arrogance. Members of our "tint nation", by the way, who are incredibly skilled at many aquascaping disciplines... We all need to understand that we're on the same team here. I won't stop criticizing the narrow-mindedness of some people i the hobby. And hey, you shouldn't stop criticizing our stuff either. A healthy disagreement is okay. But being a jerk isn't. Let's be friends....



"Scott, super excited with my botanicals you sent! And really excited about this "estuary" thing! Will this be a new company? Can you tell me more? Will it be available here in Denmark? Can't wait to see it! "- Caron L., Copenhagen Denmark

Hey Caron, thanks for the kind words and enthusiasm! We're super privileged to do what we do every day. And it's so fun to see what everyone does with this stuff! Now, "Estuary" is going to be part of Tannin- not a separate brand or company- a "product line" and more important, a philosophy of sorts.  And of course, it will be available wherever we are doing business!

And we are not losing our focus on blackwater, botanical-style tanks! No worries. In fact, once we get underway (in just a month or so), you'll see that our approach to brackish is unlike any you've seen before, and is extremely complimentary to what we do here at Tannin!  I've been playing with brackish for years, and I'm sure you've thought about it...And we'll give this much underserved market the love it deserves...Oh, and we'll have lots of cool discussion and hopefully, get to see many cool tanks set up in the fashion in which we'll discuss. Can't wait! 


Okay So that's a "mixed bag" of some selected, representative messages of the many that we receive here at Tannin. Most are pretty cool. A few, not so much. Interestingly, the negative ones seem to come from just a few of the same people, lol. And none of them seem to be telling us that our stuff sucks, so there is hope.  Yet, we believe that there is good information for us in every communication we receive! In fact, the negative stuff we receive is so limited that we are typically thinking that we MUST be doing something wrong. NEWS FLASH: Well, we have and will continue to screw up stuff. Yet, we will learn from it (hopefully!)

Honestly, it's a pleasure to be here for you and to work with you on expanding the hobby in this fun (and tinted) direction. So much more to do and to cover. I hope this little sharing of the messages gives you a little insight into how we are and what we do. It is fun to share this stuff with you now and then, and we think it's great to keep chatting!

Stay engaged. Stay enthusiastic. Stay a bit rebellious...

And Stay Wet!

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics  





February 22, 2017


We set the stage. Nature does the rest.

The recent torrential rains and flooding we've had here in California over the last few weeks has put a lot of focus on the local creeks, rivers, beaches, and flood control channels, particularly here in Los Angeles.

Every night, the local news show sensational footage of normally almost dry or placid streams now overflowing with water and debris...

And of course, apart from the human concerns, my thoughts immediately turn to...how the branches, botanicals, and other natural materials aggregate in these now swollen bodies of water! Just like in the jungles of South America or Africa!

(OMG I'm a geek...!)

Nature at work. 

And nature is just as active in our aquariums (perhaps less damaging, but doing her thing nonetheless- and we should understand it.)

If I were forced (and yeah, "forced" is the right word, because there are no defining rules here...no way) to offer some defining characteristics of the "New Botanical Style" aquarium, I'd say that a certain "randomness", actually, is it.

I mean, we're all about replicating what happens in nature, NOT about perfectly proportioned placements and such. Now, I must admit, some of the world-class aquascapers that have worked with our botanicals have applied these concepts to these types of aquariums and have produced stunning results. However, I think the "raw" botanical aquarium "essence" is about a certain degree of randomness. And that's what made me really embrace what our friend Mike Bognich did with his latest iteration of his botanical tank...embracing a sort of "thoughtful randomness", if you will- and it all works so well.

And that's absolutely what occurs in nature. Random distribution of botanicals and branches, etc. Now, to a certain extent, currents and spatial factors (i.e., how wide and deep a given stream is) affects the distribution, but for the most part, it's quite random. And that is the fascination and beauty of nature...I think- THINK- that we as aquascapers have developed some amazing "rules" to proportion out 'scapes in an artistic manner, but it's my opinion that it's also okay to be a bit less "technical" and more "impulsive." I have to admit that I often squirm when I see aquascaping videos and the 'scaper goes on and on about "...You need to have a large element here to offset the piece of wood here.." I'm like, "Why?" It just seems so "restrictive."

And of course, the answer is likely, "Because it looks better."

And of course, I cringe again, because I'm not sure what "better" means- although the serious aquascapers ARE often correct. That being said, I still think that a certain degree of randomness; even what some would label as "haphazardness"- is good; and more important- awareness of how things really work in nature- is even more valuable. Couple good taste with these two key factors and you're in great shape.

Anyways, back to nature.

I think it's important to look at the way fishes behave around the litter bed or "botanical debris field" that you create. The recent blog by Mike Tuccinardi about how fishes interact with their physical surroundings in a tank is worth reading again. It's very important to take this into consideration, too. Even more so, IMHO, than the overall aesthetic. I can't tell you how many tanks I did thinking that the 'scape could have been better, but the fishes were incredibly happy with them.

Of late, we've seen more and more hobbyists playing with palm fronds, thanks in a large part to the amazing aquariums of Tai Strietman and Rene Claus, among others-who have masterfully incorporated them into their 'scapes. And they are amazing natural materials to 'scape with. 

Among many other botanicals, palm fronds strike me as perhaps the most "decadent" thing we use to scape with, because they are the ultimate expression of "...shit falling into the water like it does in nature."

Yeah. Well said, huh?

And mixing larger and more durable botanicals (Like "Savu Pods", "Jungle Pods", etc.) in with the smaller stuff creates a sort of random sorting of its own as things break down, are moved by current, or partially buried by digging fishes (like my Apistogramma abacaxis, which has discovered that digging pits in the sand and tossing them on the leaves is really fun!)...And mixing little, near-permanent botanical gems like "Lampada Pods" and "Heart Pods" creates a richer, more durable "base" upon which to "build." 

Hardly technical, but pretty cool. And fun to see, IMHO.

And the beauty of the leaf litter bed in your aquarium is not just it's functionality as a foraging and breeding ground for lots of fishes and aquatic life in our tanks- it's about the amazing "transient" nature of it- and the randomness of it all. Leaves slowly start to decompose from the moment we add them to our tanks, "editing" whatever plan we had right from the start. Nature follows its own set of rules! 

And when we add/remove/supplement more leaves, and allow others to fully break down in our tanks, we are totally mimicking the natural processes which occur in streams and rivers around the world. And the biofilms and algal growths which appear from time to time on our botanicals-just as in the wild habitats we mimic- provide not only a degree of "biological functionality" for our systems, but an evolving aesthetic as well. Embrace these things- don't fear them.

Understand that the real "designer" of our botanical-style aquaecapes is Mother Nature herself. We just set the stage.

So set the stage, and enjoy the random, compelling, and ever-evolving work of art that is the blackwater/botanical-style aquarium. Started by you. Evolved with the steady hand of nature.

Stay enthralled. Stay awestruck. Stay calm.

And Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics 


February 20, 2017


Slipping through the cracks...and branches...and leaves...

Once of the things that I’ve sort of arrived at over the years in my aquarium “career”- probably from my reef keeping side, is the love for what I like to call “microhabitats” within a given system. In other words, places within the aquariums that are exploited by fishes for various reasons.

For example, we always knew that you need to provide fishes like Plecos, knifefishes, and even many dwarf cichlids with comfy places to retreat to.

However, in planning our systems, I'll bet we all sort of create that big "feature cave" or whatever...and the rest of the scape is sort of "incidental"- when the reality is that all of the areas within the tank are possible retreats, feeding areas, spawning sites, etc...just like in nature. In this pic by Mike Tuccinardi, taken in the Rio Negro region, there must be hundreds of little "niches" in this one small area! 

A real no brainer.

Taking advantage of a niches you can create in your system is super important. Not exactly novel, but often overlooked.

The concept really got me thinking…

You could take it a bit further...I mean, it’s beyond simply placing a fish into our community…It’s about viewing where your aquarium is at the time that you choose to add a fish to your selection.


What I mean is, even though our systems are artificial in nature, they are little closed microcosms, with distinct “microniches” within them-often evolving over time. For example, even a high-ligh/high flow river tank has SOME areas where the flow is lower, the light less intense…perhaps an area where (gasp) some detritus or food collects…sand gets blown into..whatever. And our leaf-litter, botanical-bottom tanks also create little areas for fishes to shelter, aggregate, and spawn in. And we can add fishes to take advantage of these figurative "cracks in the pavement."

Regardless of the "theme" of your aquarium, it's important to think about this. To let those little areas of botanical/leaf accumulation occur..to allow that driftwood branch to sort of fall into that corner behind the rock. These seemingly annoying things are actually perfectly reminiscent of what happens every day in nature, as materials are deposited, distributed, and "organized" by current and other natural occurrences. And the areas that are created by these random events within your tank? Well, these are areas that your fishes can take advantage of- just like they do in nature.

Random aggregations of materials, or shifts...or rock falls, for that matter- are amazing opportunities, if you think about it.

And, at almost any stage in an aquarium’s life, there are little niches and evolving environmental changes within the system that you can use to your advantage by “planting” aquascaping props (seed pods, wood, etc.) appropriate for the given niche. It even goes beyond planned aesthetics (ie; “That rock would look awesome there!”) and, much like happens in the natural environment- plants grow and fishes gather where conditions are appropriate. Reminds me of the little weeds that just seem to pop up out of the cracks in the sidewalk pavement…you can’t help but admire the craftiness and tenacity of life. 

Same thing in an aquarium!

Don’t just look for the prime viewing spot for your fish acquisition. Look for the “cracks in the pavement", too.

Your fishes will, guaranteed.

Today’s ridiculously simple, yet quite possibly overlooked idea.

Think about things from a different angle...

Stay curious. Stay creative. Stay excited.

And stay wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics

February 19, 2017


Rainy days and Sundays... A chance to evolve...

"Seems it never rains in southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California, but girl, don't they warn ya?
It pours, man, it pours"- from the song, "It Never Rains in Southern California, by Albert Hammond, 1972

Okay, yeah, here in L.A., we've just come off what was probably the rainiest couple of days in decades. And of course, LA  is totally unprepared for rain. We scurry around like ants at a picnic, not sure exactly what to do, what to wear..where to go. It's funny to the rest of the world; even funnier to us, except when there is damage. 

And of course, as a fish geek, after dealing with this deluge, it got me thinking about the seasonal inundation that tropical areas, such as The Amazon region, and how the seasonal rains affect the aquatic habitats there.

What happens in many of the regions of Amazonia is that the water levels in the rivers rise significantly. often several meters, and the once dry forest floor fills with water from the torrential rain and overflowing rivers and streams. The Igapos are formed. 

All of the botanical material- fallen leaves, sed pods, and such, is suddenly submerged; often, currents re-distribute this material into little pockets and "stands", affecting the now underwater "geography" of the landscape. Leaves begin to accumulate. Soils dissolve their chemical constituents, tannins, and humic acids into the water, enriching it. Fungi and micororganisms begin to feed on and break down the materials. Biolfilsm form, crustaceans multiply rapidly.  Fishes are able to find new food sources; new hiding places..new areas to spawn.

Life flourishes in these inundated forest floors.

What's really cool to me is that this is a regular cycle of life, and that we as aquarists are in a unique place to replicate some aspects of this unique ecosystem.


What about running a system like a palludarium for part of the year, with the aquarium partially filled with water, and a stand of terrestrial or marginal plans on an "island" of rock or soil (perhaps using planters)?

Then, you'd increase the water level over a period of several days, simulating this inundation. You would add a lot more and different leaves and botanicals to simulate the influx of materials swept into the streams during the rainy season.

You could turn up the filter output ever so slightly, or add small powerheads (perhaps) to simulate the increased water movement caused by the rising water levels.

Yeah, the plant might take a beating, the "aquascape" would be in a bit of chaos, with soil and other material strewn about the tank and redistributing...Just like in nature, right?

You could add some additional fishes, to simulate the "castaways" or "travelers" which flow into these inundated areas...

You'd probably see some water chemistry changes (perhaps a shift towards a more acidic pH). You'd definitely see an increase in the turbidity of the water...for a while.

And an increase in the biofilms and possibly some crustacean life forms (Oh..what if you added a bunch of Daphnia or Gammarus at the same time? Cool!)

A reasonable simulation of a remarkable cycle that occurs in nature on a regular basis. Disruptive? Perhaps. Beneficial? To the fishes, certainly- after they adjust. Transformational? Definitely.

It's something that would perhaps unlock some interesting insights into the lives of our fishes and the environments from which they come. It would be unusual, aesthetically fascinating, utterly compelling, and absolutely out of step with commonly "accepted" aquarium practice.

Rain is truly the bearer of life. It's transformational, essential for our existence...and for the continued existence of many of the fishes we love, as well as the habitats from which they come.

It can be an inconvenience, as in the case of our storm here in L.A.

or it can be an opportunity to discover the amazing cycle of life which occurs when the rain return, evolving the ecosystem as only nature can.

Until now, right?

You've got this. Try it. Learn. Share. Repeat.

Stay bold. Stay creative...

And Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquaitcs 

February 18, 2017


Dirty thoughts from a botanical aquarium madman? Or, another concept to explore?

We seem to spend an inordinate amount of time talking about substrates and their appearance, functionality, and composition, don't we?

Yeah, I think we do. But hey...this stuff is really cool! And outside of planted aquarium, not too much thought seems to be given to the substrates in nature and in our aquariums...

"Dirted" or soil-based aquarium substrates are to me, about as interesting as it gets. A soil substrate essentially consists of mineral particles, organic matter, precipitated inorganic matter and microorganisms. Pretty natural. Hardly glamorous. However, they work really well to grow aquatic plants..


Of course, the problem with me is that I have a very marginal interest in aquatic plants, and an above average interest in how the substrates function within the overall aquatic environment, with an emphasis on the fishes...and 99.999% of all hobbyists that mess around with "dirt" in their aquarium are all about growing plants. Me, personally? Well, again- I'm more interested in creating a substrate that is essentially similar to the flooded forest floors of the Amazonian igapo, simply because it's what the fishes which inhabit these waters are used to. Plants? They're cool, but not my main interest! I'm a "dirted aquarium deviant.."

So, now that I've just angered and alienated about 80% of you, let me explain my thinking a bit more. 

As we've discussed before, the igapo are seasonally inundated forests. These forests have sandy, rather acidic soils with a very low nutrient content. The rainwater combines with the humic substances and tannins contained in the soils and the forest floor materials that are found on them. The acidity from the water corresponds to the acidic soils of these forests. They are the more nutrient poor than a comparable várzea forest, carrying less inorganic elements, yet higher concentrations of dissolved organics, like humic and fulvic acids. 

Amazonian várzea forests are flooded by nutrient rich, high sediments, and thus are very productive environments- some of the most productive in Amazonia. They are flooded by whitewater rivers, which inundate fertile alluvial soils within várzea forests, which helps explain some of the higher nutrient concentrations found in these waters, as opposed to the nutrient-poor blackwater which inundates and characterizes the igapó areas.

So I'm thinking that the more "classic dirted substrate" would be somewhat more reminsicent of the inundated várzea forests, although, with a few changes to the recipe, you could easily represent the igapo as well.

So, playing with this concept is pretty straightforward, in my experience.

Yeah, you start with organic potting soil, free from any fertilizers or other additives. I know others who have plaid with mixes that are something like loam, peat, and some fine sand. I think you can experiment with some variations on the formula, of course.

When you prepare this stuff for aquarium use, it's hardly a high-tech affair. You need to get it wet; saturated, but not liquid. Just sort of a gooey mud. This makes sure that a lot of the trapped air is gone...

A lot of hobbyists mix in some iron-based clays...like "potter's clay", for example. Again, consistent with the várzea soils and their alluvial basis, right? Some planted people will add some crushed coral or other calcium-based product (hey, maybe super-fine aragonitic sand?) into the mix for some KH support for plants. 

Typically, planted people will put down a layer that's about 1.5-2 inches (3.81-5.08 cm), and then cover the whole affair with a few millimeters of fine sand (like swimming pool filter sand)...I personally would use an inch or to of sand, but that's me. And that's it.

Then, the planted guys plant the hell out of it.

Which I wouldn't do. Not in my experimental fantasy world...

So, then I'd have this insanely nutrient-rich substrate, covered in a few inches of sand, and then I'd throw on all sorts of leaves and stuff on top of it.

Algae farm? Hydrogen sulfide bomb? Cloudy, stinky mess? A natural-looking and functioning substrate?

Possibly all of the above. And, what the hell happens to all of the susbtances released by this material if we're not trying to grow plants? This could be really problematic...Or not. But hey, it's an experiment, right? 

What if you boil and soak the soil for a week or so before you use it? Would that eliminate some of the "nutrient" materials contained within it? Hmm..Could you then end up with something that is a lot less "nutritious", but texturally and aesthetically and still sort of functionally similar to the natural substrates we're talking about? And couldn't you just mix the sand all around it, rather than put it on top to hold it down? And then you could mix stuff like leaves, Coco Curls, "Fundo Tropical", and other botanicals on top?

I mean, again- this could be a colossal mess...a stinking, cloudy pit. Or, it could be something that is aesthetically, and maybe functionally similar to the natural substrate found in these habitats?

Do you realize that I actually wake up in the middle of the night scheming about stuff like this? I mean, stuff that can result in complete disaster? Reckless, bordering on stupid? Well, I wouldn't go that far...But- perhaps stuff that takes a lot of unnecessary steps in multiple, seemingly undisciplined, and possibly opposing directions? Just..because.

Yeah, I do. Maybe you do, too? Some of you?

That's how you have to think, though, when you're pushing it. I think someone with a planted aquarium background, and perhaps a killifish interest (ya' know, 'cause killie hobbyists like to play with peat moss), and a passion for doing things exactly the opposite of the way your "supposed to" do them.

A rebel that plays with...dirt.

Where are you? Don't you want to mess around with this idea, too?

Go for it. Refine it. Beat the shit out of it. Work it. Develop it.

Create a breakthrough. Substrate that provides fishes with essential trace elements and other characteristics which could benefit their health would be really cool. Notice I said a focus on fish and not plants (ADA Amazonia and the like are for that!)Some people have done this before (Hello Leng Sy and "Miracle Mud"), and I think they've been on to something. We just need to give it a fresh look and refine some of my crude ideas here.

Why not use substrate enhancement to  influence/compliment/complete/enahnce the aquatic environment for fishes? It's what happens in nature...

"DIrt: It's not just for aquarium plants anymore." 

You've got this.

Okay, back to Saturday morning.

Be brave. Push the boundries. Aggravate others. Disrupt the boring routines.

Stay quirky. Stay fascinated. Stay obnoxiously undeterred by the criticisms of others...(But always listen to what they have to say, and consider it)..

Oh- and Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics



February 17, 2017


Biofilms: Learning to love the "gooey stuff..."


As more and more of us start really getting into the idea of botanical-style, blackwater aquariums, we start hearing more and more of the same questions. This is really cool, because it's an obvious sign that we're seeing more and more hobbyists enter the game. What's really interesting to me as that many of the "newcomers" are no longer put off by the dark water, decomposing botanicals, and biofilms.

Well, many of the newcomers, at least. 

I do recall at least two comments by visitors to my office aquarium lately that made me laugh: "Your tank would be so bad-ass if it didn't have that rotting stuff on the bottom!" and "Damn, if your water wasn't all dirty-looking, this tank would be amazing? Is your filter broken?"

(Palm-to forehead moment..)

You've no doubt heard similar comments before?

Remember, for must of us, the aesthetics of the botanical-style blackwater aquarium are radically different than anything others probably intentionally tried to cultivate before, aquarium-wise. We all know that the blackwater, decaying leaves, and degrading botanicals is also the reason why the work so well, look so cool, and function so naturally.

It's all part of that mental shift we've talked about so many times before. And what's the main thing newcomers ask about, besides the blackwater itself?

Biofilm. You know, that "goo" on the botanicals that shows up soon after they're placed in the tank. 


Even the word conjures up an image of something that you really don't want in your tank. Something dirty, yucky...potentially detrimental to your aquarium's health. 

And, let's be honest with ourselves here. The damn dictionary definition is not gonna win over many "haters":

bi·o·film -ˈbīōˌfilm/ noun -a thin, slimy film of bacteria that adheres to a surface.
Some charming and commonly-encountered examples of biofilm include plaque that forms on teeth, and the slime that forms on surfaces in water.
Shit. Really?
Yeah, I guess that's the definition we have to run with.

Well, apart from the unpleasant-sounding description of the stuff, the concept of biofilms and how they form is actually kind of interesting. Not "charming." I didn't say that. But interesting for sure.

Biofilms form when bacteria adhere to surfaces in some form of watery environment and begin to excrete a slimy, gluelike substance, consisting of sugars and other substances, that can stick to all kinds of materials, such as- well- in our case, botanicals.

Biofilms on decomposing leaves are pretty much the foundation for the food webs in rivers and streams throughout the world. They are of fundamental importance to aquatic life.

It starts with a few bacteria, taking advantage of the abundant and comfy surface area that leaves, seed pods, and even driftwood offer. The "early adapters" put out the "welcome mat" for other bacteria by providing more diverse adhesion sites, such as a matrix of sugars that holds the biofilm together. Since some bacteria species are incapable of attaching to a surface on their own, they often anchor themselves to the matrix or directly to their friends who arrived at the party first.

Sorta sounds like Facebook, huh?

(The above graphic from a scholarly article illustrates just how these guys roll.)

And we could go on and on all day telling you that this is a completely natural occurrence; bacteria and other microorganisms taking advantage of a perfect substrate upon which to grow and reproduce, just like in the wild. Freshly added botanicals offer a "mother load"of organic material for these biofilms to propagate, and that's occasionally what happens - just like in nature.  

Yet it does, so we will! :)

Is there a "darkside" to biofilms? Of course. 

Like anything else, too much of a "good thing" can cause problems in rare instances. Frightening, "aquarium armageddon scenarios" could play out. For example, in an extremely overcrowded aquarium (or a very small one) with marginal husbandry and filtration, with a huge amount of biofilm (relative to tank volume) caused by an equally huge influx of freshly-added botanicals, there is always the possibility excessive respiration by biofilm bacteria could lower the water’s dissolved oxygen and increase CO2, asphyxiating your animals and the important aerobic nitrifying bacteria.

Now, that's a true "doomsday scenario"- brought about by: 1)a non-sustainably-managed/populated aquarium, 2)improper preparation and 3) rapid, excessive additions of botanicals, and 4) complete lack of common sense on the part of the aquarist, in terms of husbandry.

So yeah. There IS a darkside to biofilms. If you create circumstances to foster one.

The real positive takeaway here: Biofilms are really a sign that things are working right in your aquarium! A visual indicator that natural processes are at work.

Yet, understandably, it may not make some of you feel good.

First off, take comfort in the fact that the biggest "blooms" of them occur early on, and that this is typically sort of a passing phase, and can take anywhere from a few days to 2-3 weeks or more before it subsides on it's own to some level that you can live with. Realize that biofilms are present in every aquirium, to some degree. Yeah, even your "Nature Aquarium", guys. Welcome to Planet Earth. It's a gooey place. 

We get it, though- some of you just don't want this stuff, despite its "charms."

Okay, well, when you've got a lot of this material in your aquarium, and it's causing you considerable worry, stress, and just plain giving you a case of the shivers, there are some actions you can take ( besides cursing the whole idea of throwing aquatic botanicals in your system in the first place).

What to do? Here are a few time-tested options:

  • You can wait it out. That's right. Do nothing, except appreciate the wonders of nature, no matter how unsightly they may be at times. I mean, didn't nature make the "Death Flower" and the "Slime Mold?" Seriously. Yeah. And this is nicer to experience than "terrestrial" biofilms, like, oh, let's say... plaque!


  • You can remove the offending botanicals, give them a good scrub with a soft bristle brush (like an old toothbrush), a rinse in fresh water, and put 'em back in.


  • You can remove the botanicals, give them a good scrub, and re-boil/soak them again. Although a bit redundant, and in our opinion, not necessary, this procedure does have the advantage of removing some of the trapped organics that lead to the initial "outbreak", but you may see it happen again.


  • You can leave the botanicals in place, and employ some natural "control", in the form of ornamental shrimp. Yeah, that's right- your "Crystal Red Shrimp", "Bee Shrimp", and the rest of those tiny, overpriced, yet engaging little crustaceans  absolutely adore biofilms, and will attack it voraciously. Alternatively, we've learned that some fishes, like Plecos, some Corydoras cats, Otocinculus, and even Leporinus and other "Headstanders" seem to pick at this stuff fairly aggressively. In fact, I've seen Pencilfishes and other small characins pick at it.


Again, the reality here is that in an otherwise well-managed, sustainably-populated aquarium, at best the largest blooms of the stuff will be a temporary nuisance, subsiding to a tolerable level, or even being almost unseen, for as long as you have the aquarium in operation.

Remember, it's all part of the game with a blackwater, botanical-influenced aquarium. A part of that "mental shift" towards accepting and appreciating a more truly natural-looking, natural-functioning aquarium. The "cost of admission", if you will- along with the tinted water, decomposing leaves, etc., the dues you pay, which ultimately go hand-in-hand with the envious "ohhs and ahhs" of other hobbyists who admire your completed aquarium when they see it for the first time.

Now, there are a lot of you who have come to admire, and even love the whole idea of biofilm. Like, those of you who love the aforementioned ornamental shrimp. You understand the value of having a periodic "crop" of this stuff available for your shrimp to "graze" upon. You actually are wanting to foster it. 

So, what are the botanicals which seem to give you the best shot at purposely "recruiting" the stuff? Well, pretty much all of them- in fact, almost anything you put underwater- will recruit some biofilms at some point. However, in our experience, there are a few which seem to "recruit" more biofilms initially than others. They are:

"Teardrop Pods"- which also tend to soften more quickly on their interior than many other botanicals, rendering them more attractive to biofilms in the early phases of their "run" in an aquarium.


Magnolia leaves- Yup, these most beloved, tannin-imparting leaves have that waxy "cuticle" that seems to recruit biofilm more quickly than other leaves during their first weeks of submersion. It seldom lasts very long, generally subsiding dramatically on it's own quite fast. 

"Concha Pods"- Another lightweight botanical with an interior that seems to soften very quickly, recruiting a good amount of biofilm in the process. Like the "Teardrop Pods", the biofilms tend not to linger very long, so "make hay while the sun shines" and let your shrimp have at 'em quickly!"

Jackfruit Leaves - These Indian leaves tend to be attractive to shrimp anyways; however, with the "value added" benefit of rapid biofilm recruitment, your shrimp will feel like you really appreciate them, and no longer any harbor resentment for the shrimps' ridiculous $400USD per gram price tag. (sorry, couldn't resist!)

Now, you may have other favorites for this purpose, and we could probably devote a whole damned article to it (Why not, I've just written a thousand-plus words on biofilm! Where else in the aquarium world are you going to find that kind of content every day- for free, nonetheless? And yet, some of you still buy generic, "non-romanced" Catappa leaves from some clown on E-Bay. Really? Huh? How DO you sleep at night? Have I guilted you yet?)

Okay, this is getting a bit "long-winded", and even a bit nasty- but you get the idea. Biofilms are  common in nature, and a part of pretty much any aquarium, yet a bit more significant (and noticeable) when you play with aquatic botanicals. They are not to be feared- although they should be respected- and ultimately, utilized as food by your animals!

And, I actually have this theory...

I think that decomposing pods, leaves, and even the biofilms, function as a sort of "biological filter", much in the way live rock does in the reef aquarium. I think that we've just started getting into this idea, and that there may be more functional advantages to layers of botanicals than we think!

More on this in future installments, for sure! 

In the mean time...

Stay calm. Stay brave. Stay curious. Stay devoted.

And Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics




February 16, 2017


A turn towards Africa...

If you're a typical fish geek, your aquatic interests will span a multitude of fish types, habitats, and geographic locations.

I admit freely that I'm a great lover of the fishes of South America; specifically, Amazonia. With it's incredibly diverse variety of habitats, one could spend a lifetime just studying, collecting, and keeping fishes from this area, and just as much time replicating the amazing environments from which they come.

However, as we all know, it's a big world, and there are numerous other places where amazing fishes come from...Like, Africa, for example!

The coolest thing about the African content is that it has a diversity of habitats and fishes that is equally as stunning as anything found anywhere else on the planet. Yet, for some reason, outside of the Rift Lake cichlids and a few popular favorites, the region seems stunningly under-represented, at least from a "Natural habitat replication" standpoint, IMHO.

Now, this piece is absolutely NOT going to be an essay all about Africa and the many fishes available there. That could take hundreds of pages and a lifetime of research and study. Sadly, this will be a very quick- and ultimately unsatisfying- look at this amazing place, from an aquarium perspective. Yeah, wanted to clear that up from the start! We're just trying to open up your eyes to the possibilities that await the adventurous aquarist who takes a different perspective on the fishes and habitats of this vast continent.

What we will talk about (albeit all too superficially and briefly here) is the remarkable similarity between the blackwater habitats of Africa and the South American and Asian ones we're probably a bit more familiar with. And of course, we'll note where we can utilize most of the same botanicals, ideas, and aesthetics in working with the fishes from this dynamic part of the world.

Now, first off, in many tropical African regions, you have influence from the mighty Congo River, arguably the natural analog to The Amazon. It flows almost 3000 miles, and is the world's deepest river. There are over 700 species of fishes recorded as having been from this river, making it remarkable for species richness. And of course, the numerous tributaries which emirate from this river, including the major tributary systems, including the Kasai, Lefini, Ubangi, Tshuapa, and Lomami, and hundreds of tiny, lesser-known ones, contain more fishes, and encompass a variety of habitats.

Many of the fishes we keep from this region are from an area known as the "Malebo Pool", with its sandy substrates, often with leaves and branches, and it's interesting reed grass "islands." It's known for slower water flow than the rapids of the main river itself. And then, there are the thousands of small tributaries and streams which flow throughout the continent, encompassing a variety of aquatic environments.

To think about what fishes you would keep in such habitats, you can simply "pick a fish- any fish" that you like, study the habitat and the fishes associated with it...and wham! Instant stocking plan! Of course, some of these fishes are more challenging to keep, because they require acclimation from living foods, etc...but hey, we've covered a lot of that before, right? 

Many fishes, like my fave, the Ctenopoma are found in habitats which bear a remarkable similarity to the ones we're familiar with in South America:  Rather dimly illuminated, thickly vegetated jungle streams, choked with floating vegetation and a bed of leaf litter and botanical materials (submerged branches, seed pods, etc.). The water itself is typically soft and acidic, with pH levels ranging from 5.5-6.8. 

Other fishes found in similar habitats to the Ctenopoma include some aquarium varieties like various Pelmatochromis, and some less-well-known, but nonetheless kept species, like Pantodon buchholzi, Distichodus sp., Neolebias sp., and Epiplatys chevalieri.  Phenacogrammus interruptus (yeah, the Congo Tetra!), is often found in similar habitats, as well as some super cool, leaf-litter-dwelling Nannocharax species.

Are you feeling it yet? 

Yeah, okay...so there are a lot of cool fishes that you can base an African-themed botanical-style blackwater aquarium on....The ideas are endless.

And then, of course...there are the killes.

Yeah...we've kept them for many decades. The list of popular killies from Africa reads like a "who's who" of the aquarium world: Nothobranchius, Fundulopanchax, Epiplatys, Aphyosemion...just to name a few.

Each coming from compelling environments that would be equally fascinating to replicate in our aquaria: Tiny jungle streams, vernal pools, MUD PUDDLES!

I mean, for the hardcore biotope enthusiast, messing around with aquariums simulating the various habitats in which killies alone are found could be a lifelong obsession!


Imagine how cool it would be to delve into the world of killies...I mean, they've been kept by avid enthusiasts for a century or more, but there are still so many secrets to unlock. And creating aquarium that specifically aim to replicate the particular habitats of some of these species is still a sort of "under-served" area of the hobby, to which YOU could make useful contributions to with a little research and work!

And yes, you can utilize a host of different botanicals to achieve many of the same effects as you do in your Asian and South American-themed aquariums...Leaves being just one of them...

So, turn towards Africa, as adventurers have done for centuries...and launch a new adventure in your own voyage of "aquatic creativity!"

Stay bold. Stay inspired. Stay fascinated.

And Stay Wet.

Scott Fellman

Tannin Aquatics